Would you rather sweat syrup or honey?

March 1, 2023


A Full Circle Story…

Admittedly a weird question, but not so weird for a 7th grade boy to ask. This question gave a window into the connection Brycen finally felt on our last day of Winter Blast.

Brycen had started coming to Full Circle at the end of November. A month later he had the opportunity to sign up for Winter Blast and quickly jumped at the opportunity. He was sure to ask if they’d have a “canteen” like any middle school, sugar-loving boy would. It’s important to note that Brycen typically stayed to himself up until Winter Blast Weekend, which was February 3-5. It was rare for him to initiate a conversation with anyone and would only answer directed questions with short responses. So when Sunday morning rolled around at Winter Blast and he asked one of our leaders this would-you-rather question, we both laughed and celebrated! We also praised God for the transformation work he had done in Brycen … he was genuinely engaging in worship, desiring to learn the “Church Clap” dance, hungry for God’s Word and even leading the group in opening the Bible.

Brycen wasn’t the only teenager who felt deeply known during Winter Blast. God was generous in His transformation power amongst our six Full Circle teenagers that joined us (and 150 other teenagers). They each heard the invitation of Jesus to be their true friend who never fails or abandons them. They also tangibly experienced friendship with their peers, which is deeply needed for this group. As a result, we witnessed hearts softened and genuine curiosity about Jesus.

With joy,
Sara Stanton
Full Circle Ministry Site Coordinator