A Youth for Christ Story…
Retreat– a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and be restored.
Did you know… that according to one recent study, 58% of young people admit to “feeling stressed and overwhelmed generally”? It’s also been demonstrated that such feelings are directly linked to increased experiences of loneliness.
At YFC, we seek to interrupt the vicious cycle of distressed isolation by creating multi-day spaces where…
- Authentic Christ-Sharing Relationships can thrive between teens and caring adults
- Phone use is eliminated
- Intentional opportunities for solitary reflection are coached
- Meaningful encounters with God’s Story are curated
- Playful engagement is re-discovered
We’ve hosted two Winter Retreats already this year. Three more are coming. Here are some snapshots.
“We should have more of these local retreats!” [Implied: Like… EVERY weekend!]
—Bryce* as he was climbing into his dad’s vehicle after our first weekend retreat.
“My dad is in there…”
—Rachel* as the YFC retreat vehicle drove past the St. Cloud Prison on HWY 10 and its passengers felt the sacredness of the moment.
“We lived there for some days. It was a hard time.”
—Shelby* just 2 minutes later, as the retreat vehicle passed the Salvation Army recalling a time when she and her mom survived a season of homelessness and their days were spent walking the streets.
“I learned how to actually talk to God this weekend.”
—Alyssa* after a weekend retreat centered on prayer.
These are just a small sample of the moments that make our shared work with the church such a beautifully, heartbreakingly, hopeful adventure.
We could never do it without you.
Here’s to three more retreats…
For the Kingdom,
Matt Hebert
Ministry Director