Camp Surprises

July 1, 2024


A Camp Story…

As we were filling our last spots for one of our recent summer camps, the conversation circled around a young lady and if it was a wise decision to have her attend camp. On paper she had some behaviors that could pose a risk for herself and for others at camp. And yet at the same time in any of our interactions with her we had seen none of those behaviors displayed. So we prayed for wisdom and ultimately decided since the camp was local, if something did come up we would be close to home for extra support.

We can now say, having this young lady at camp was a highlight for us! When it was her turn to share her life story she shared with honesty and vulnerability. When it was time for her peers and adult leaders to affirm her after her life story–she was beaming. She soaked in the entire experience and we are hopeful that she will be joining us in Wyoming for another week of camp this summer.

Thank you for praying for her and all the other teenagers that are attending camps this summer. Through these experiences and interactions, our hope and prayer is these kids discover that they are known, seen, and loved by caring adults and most importantly by their Heavenly Father.

Hannah Hutton
Leadership Development Director