Reflecting on 2022

January 2, 2023


A Volunteer Story…

As we wrap up 2022 and move into 2023–it’s a natural time to reflect on this last year and all that we have seen God do in the lives of our teenagers and our adult leaders here at YFC! As a staff team, we get the honor of observing and leading teams of adult leaders as they pour their lives into kids and their families. Their relational investments point these kids and their families to Jesus in so many real and tangible ways. 

For one Braid volunteer and her family–this looks like wrapping two teenage sisters into the things that their family are already doing such as game nights, grocery shopping, attending school functions (both for their own two kids and for these two girls), and going to YFC Adventure Camp this summer as a whole family! It also looks like coming alongside the girls’ hard-working single mom and two little brothers by helping them get to appointments and school. It looks like celebrating Christmas together! Farrah, Judd and their kids have consistently demonstrated Christ’s unconditional love to these girls and their family with so much passion and joy. Thank you Machula family for who you are–we are motivated and encouraged by you as we walk into a new year of ministry to Central MN teenagers.


Hannah Hutton